Martes, Disyembre 13, 2011

                Courting under Filipino traditions gives a big value of respect to women.  This practice which dates back to the Spanish times prohibits men to be very aggressive or becoming even when they want the lady very much. They cannot talk a lady in the street and ask her number and address. If a young man sees a lady he likes he will ask a help in a common friend of both parties to ask for a permission to a girl's father. 

If the permission is obtained, the man will visit girl's parent and share introductions of his life.  The parent will will introduce their daughter to the gentleman. The man gives some "pasalubong" or gifts to the women & other gives not only to the woman but also to the part of the family. This like courting the family as well. During the first talk of the man & woman, the couple will not be left alone. They were accompanied by someone - a girls' friend or a girl's sibling. 

After this thing, the man make some thing good like helping the family's girl in daily life. The man will think things that makes the girl & girl's family happy. A technique for confirmation.

Through this they so called “Evolution”, the way of courting really changed. One thing affects this change is the influence of may foreign cultures. Many modern courtships revolve in the liberalism of Filipino youth. On years ago, women were not allowed to mingle with their opposite sex in public place, now it’s impossible! 
           Most parents would still want their children to be courted inside the house though some modern and liberal-minded Filipinas don't do this anymore and prefers to meet up somewhere else instead, a clear disregard of tradition and parental respect.

              Modern courtship does not really have a pattern. It could start from a group date where friends would pair friends up and tease them. Friends could play cupid and set a couple up and leave them on their own to talk then before you know it they are going out on a date. With the influence of western television, modern courtship these days are going fast although it doesn't necessarily have the emotional baggage attached with immediately going to bed. It would take a lot longer time for Filipinos to trust each other to get to that point. It stems on the virtues rooted from the olden days.

1 komento:

  1. Good blog... keep-up the good work... May I share an article about the magnificent Duomo in Florence in
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